Large Star

Formas de realizar aportes

Juntos podemos garantizar que cada niña tenga las herramientas y estrategias que necesita para ser feliz, sentirse segura de sí misma y saludable. Hay muchas formas de realizar aportes y puedes encontrar la oportunidad adecuada de apoyar a niñas de nuestra comunidad.

Large Star

Realiza tu aporte hoy

Al donar hoy, estás brindando un espacio de apoyo para niñas que les permite liberar su potencial.

Realiza tu aporte hoy
Strong GOTR Finishers

Tu aporte mensual importa

Tu aporte mensual genera un cambio importante en las vidas de las niñas. Al unirte al programa de donación mensual, pasas a formar parte de un equipo que está generando un gran impacto ahora y en el futuro.

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Girls Fall 5K

5K Sponsorship

Your 2024-2025 sponsorship will help support our mission of igniting confidence through accomplishment in Southeastern Wisconsin. The GOTR 5K is not about running the fastest, but celebrating the joy of movement and our diverse abilities. Help families form core memories with each other and their community, and promote to our youth that "you are stronger than you think!"

View Opportunities Here!
GOTR Girl and 5K Buddy crossing the finish line with excitement.

Give the Gift of Stock

Maximize your impact by donating long-term appreciated securities - including stock, bonds, and mutual funds directly to Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin. You may be able to increase your gift and tax deduction by donating appreciated stock compared to donating cash!

Learn More About Giving Stock
Dear Future Me

Give from a Donor-Advised Fund

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a convenient and easy way to organize your charitable contributions. A DAF gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin. Or name our organization as a beneficiary for funds to support future generations of female leaders in our community!

Learn More about Gifts through DAFs Interested in Making a Gift from a DAF? Email Us!
The Finish Line is Just the Beginning!

Amazon Smile

¡AmazonSmile es una manera simple de que brindes tu apoyo a Girls on the Run cada vez que compres! ¡También es fácil! Con el siguiente botón puedes elegirnos como tu organización benéfica o bien pulsa en la Lista de organizaciones benéficas, que se encuentra en el menú Programas y Funciones de la aplicación Amazon Shopping en tu dispositivo móvil. Al elegir Girls on the Run NOMBRE DEL CONSEJO, ¡el 0.5 % de tus compras elegibles nos apoyarán!

Shop & Support!
A GOTR participant debriefing the lesson by writing on her identity card in her GOTR journal.

In-Kind Gifts

Girls on the Run Southeastern Wisconsin warmly accepts donations of new program supplies, 5K event snacks, silent auction/raffle items, coach appreciation gifts, and event attendee swag. Have something else in mind? The possibilities are endless!

Email Us!
Girls on the Run Sunglasses
Animated volunteers standing proudly while holding signs decorated with stars reading You’ve Got This and Proud of You


El impacto que produce Girls on the Run en tu comunidad depende de voluntarios dedicados como tú, comprometidos y apasionados por nuestra misión y visión.

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