Heart & Sole

Be in the know with this season’s details for 6th-8th graders!  

Questions? Contact program@girlsontherunsoutheasternwi.org

Heart & Sole Logo
Two Girls on the Run participants smile at the camera while running at an outdoor practice in yellow shirts


Current Season Details

Our fall season begins the week of September 16th and ends with our celebratory 5K on Sunday, November 10th.


Two girls
Two girls

COVID-19 Information - Shared

Financial Aid

We are committed to making Girls on the Run accessible to all girls. Thanks to generous donors and community supporters, program scholarships are available to any girl who needs it. Families can select a payment plan during the registration process.  Our program fee is a sliding scale based on current annual household income.  This allows us to provide programming that is more equitable and accessible to all.  Please contact the Girls on the Run Southeastern Wisconsin program team at program@girlsontherunsoutheasternwi.org if you have questions.


  • July 31st

    Deadline for sites to sign up for the fall season.

  • August 19th, 9 AM

    Lottery registration opens for sites that use online registration.

  • August 27th

    Lottery day.  Registration closes temporarily while we run the lottery.  Following the lottery, registration reopens on a first come, first served basis for sites with space remaining.

  • Week of March 31

    Spring season begins

  • November 10th, 9 AM

    Celebratory 5K at American Family Field

Reg fees - SHARED

Registration Fees

Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin is committed to being accessible to any girl who wants to participate and is dedicated to ensuring that program cost is never a barrier to participation.  The maximum program fee is $175.  We offer payment plans and a sliding scale based on family household income.

Program fee per girl includes:

  • 8 weeks/16 lessons led by certified GOTR volunteer coaches
  • Research-based curriculum and lesson materials
  • Official program t-shirt 
  • Entry into the celebratory end-of-season event and finisher's medal
  • Program fees also help us to ensure participant safety by providing background checks for every volunteer, CPR/First aid training for coaches, and liability insurance for all sites.  
  • Fees also help support a family-focused 5K event.
Lottery Registration

Girls on the Run of Southeastern Wisconsin uses a lottery registration system to allow all girls the same opportunity to participate in Girls on the Run.  The fall season lottery has already taken place.  Registration is now first-come, first-served for sites that have space remaining.

Click here for more information on the registration lottery.


Ma fille n’est pas une grande coureuse. Est-ce que ce programme lui conviendra? OU Ma fille est déjà une coureuse expérimentée. Est-ce que ce programme lui conviendra?

My girl isn't a big runner; is this program for her? OR My girl is already a skilled runner. Is this program for her?

Yes! We are much more than a running program, and every participant can benefit from the experience of building confidence through accomplishment while participating in our rich, curriculum-based, age-appropriate, interactive lessons. Expect lots of games, talking, laughing and processing in addition to running at each practice. And know that when we say run, we mean run, walk, skip, roll or push, just as long as you are moving forward!

Is it important for participants to attend both days each week?

Yes! Since most of our teams fill up quickly, if your child will be unable to attend all the sessions, please consider joining a future season when she can enjoy the entire program.

Here’s our attendance policy: It is important to the experiential learning process, group dynamics and each girl’s program experience that all girls participate in all sessions. Any participant who is absent for more than two practices during one season may no longer be eligible to participate in Girls on the Run. 

What does the program fee include?

Though our cost per participant is more than $230, through generous donors we're able to offer programming for $175. Your program registration fee includes all lesson materials, including GOTR curriculum and supplies, a GOTR t-shirt, entry into the 5K event and a finisher's medal.  

Program fees also help cover the cost of coach training for all volunteer coaches, background checks for every volunteer, CPR/first aid training for coaches, and liability insurance for all sites.

We can't afford the program registration fee, but our child would love to participate. How does the scholarship program work?

Don't let cost stop you from participating! We are committed to making Girls on the Run accessible to all who want to participate! Thanks to generous donors and community supporters, program scholarships are available to any family who needs it. The online registration form will walk you through financial assistance options.  We offer both payment plan and a pay-what-you-can option.

Is there a way for me to sponsor a participant for a season?

Yes! As a mission-driven 501(c)3, Girls on the Run relies on generous donors in order to provide more than $175,000 in program scholarships for families in need each year. If you are interested in sponsoring other GOTR girls, you can choose to give a financial donation to our organization during the program registration process. Or you can donate here at any time!